Membership Costs

Individual Membership $15 Annually
Family Membership $25 Annually
Business Membership $45 Annually
Organization Membership $45 Annually
Lifetime Membership $500 Single Payment

Join this volunteer, nonprofit society of dedicated members today. 

Want to learn more about El Cajon History and help pass it along to others? Looking for an opportunity to meet new people?
Become a docent for the Historical Society. We'll provide the training to make you knowledgeable, if you're willing.
Or use your skills by lending a hand in maintaining the Historical Society's headquarters and operations as well as other projects in the historic community.
Any and all assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Download the Membership Application form and mail to ECHS.

Download Acrobat to read the application in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Board meetings are currently being held via Zoom Meetings at 9:00 A.M. on the third Saturday of every month, except August.

  Board Members

2022 El Cajon Historical Society Directors/Officers
President:  Bob Novak 
Vice President:  <vacant>
Recording Secretary:  Becky Taylor 
Correspondence Secretary:  Yvonne Paris 
Treasurer:  Carla Nowak  (George Dall, CPA) 
Directors at Large: 

George Dall 
Jack Dickens 
Mike Kaszuba 
Rick Hall 
Coleen White 
Linda Garity 
Tom Garity 
Christy Klock 
Carla Nowak 
Yvonne Paris 
Linda Foltz 

Society Committees 
Archivist Mike Kaszuba 
Curator <vacant>
Docents Coordinator <vacant> 
Heritage Editor Linda Foltz 
Membership Christy Klock 
Maintenance Rick Hall  
Office Manager Carla Nowak
Linda Garity 
Webmaster Tom Garity 

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El Cajon Historical Society Homepage - Knox House Museum